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Novus' proprietary Wisdom of the Crowd Research Index is comprised of stocks held in common by the brightest minds in the industry—fundamental equity managers. The methodology sources stocks from the Securities and Exchange Commission 13F filings (public filings).
The long side consists of the highest-conviction holdings among fundamental equity managers, and is tailored from the Novus Conviction Research Index. Wisdom of the Crowd also shorts stocks based on Novus’s Consensus Research Index—stocks which are widely held but lack the size within the managers’ portfolios signifying conviction, historic underperformers.
“Novus' systematic, persistent, and consistent processes has yielded an elegant outcome. We are pleased to extend $WISE to our clients in the European Union, rounding out our product suite and helping investors access the best minds in our industry.”
Adrian Steinherr – Chief Executive Officer & Managing Partner
The Wisdom of the Crowd Research Index has, since its inception, consistently outperformed the broader market. In July 2021, Novus entered into a partnership with Switzerland-based investment firm Silex to leverage the research behind the index for a product that offers both upside exposure and downside defense.
Novus has tracked four research indices based on top hedge fund holdings: Conviction, Crowdedness, Concentration, and Consensus. Each leverages a custom methodology and reveals a unique perspective on how fundamental equity managers invest. Wisdom of the Crowd is long Conviction, short Consensus. You can explore all four research indices in depth on this free dashboard.
As described above, these indices rely solely on the analysis of publicly available holdings (known as 13F filings) of equity-linked hedged funds. Our clients’ private data will not be impacted or shared in this index. Novus client data is not analyzed, integrated, or referenced for any partnership.
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Disclaimer: This material should not be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security, which may only be made by prospectus or other offering document. Novus is not soliciting any specific action based on this material. It does not constitute a recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial conditions, or needs of individual clients.