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If you could short only one stock ...?

November 8, 2021

In this space, we've pointed out how EU short interest seems to gravitate toward telecoms, delivery services and consumer cyclicals. Today, we'd like to take a different tack: While some hedge funds are shorting scores or even hundreds of names, what about the ones that are reporting short interest on only one?

Kensico Capital Management  maintains a bearish position on Danish medtech name Ambu. While Kensico missed a steep rise in the stock price over the past year, it also missed the cliff Ambu fell off this past May. Meantime, Maple Rock Capital Partners doubled down on its short interest in German silicon wafer maker Siltronic -- while its stock price pretty much doubled up.

In the case of Omni Partners and Tudor Capital, it's Just Eat Takeaway, as reported here previously.

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