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Europe's short circuit

October 8, 2021

Three sectors account for fully half of all hedge funds' short positions in Europe, according to regulatory filings. Consumer Discretionary, Industrials and Communication Services comprise 49% of short interest.

Transportation systems maker Alstom is the most-shorted Industrial name, with 1.74% of its float shorted. In the Comms space, Vodaphone Group and Cellnex Telecom had -3.74% and -3.14% of their shares shorted at the end of August. While Vodaphone had the most uncovered short interest of any company in Europe, Cellnex saw a -107.98 bp one-month slide.

Things aren't quite so bad for any individual Consumer Discretionary position, although tire maker Michelin has the dubious distinction of leading these cyclicals with -0.81% short interest.

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