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View the Dashboard Snapshot from the Oct 18th presentation.
Aggregate your allocations across equity, credit/fixed income, private equity, real assets, and more. Harmonize multiple transparency levels to achieve unified visibility into your entire portfolio.
Uncover the impact of hypothetical transactions. What if I redeem from this manager? What if I increase my allocation here? Use data to asses your intuition, before committing.
Research historic portfolio performance and measure manager uniqueness using global ownership data. Uncover true drivers of performance with skill-set analytics. Monitor managers over time, and watch for style drift.
Automate reports so you can focus on what you do best—making investment decisions. Tailor reports to match your unique needs, add your logo and brand colors, and then schedule automatic updates to send to stakeholders.
Analyze your exposures by strategy, geography, sector, market cap, or set custom categories. Drill down and view your underlying positions. Drill-down further and see who contributes to those positions. Go “top to bottom” in just seconds.
Investment processing meets portfolio intelligence
The 2021 acquisition of Novus Partners by SEI created in the most robust solution for asset owners ever. The Enhanced CIO Platform (ECIO) connects the back, middle, and front offices with a single solution.
Data is the lifeblood of our industry, offering countless avenues for analysis. However, the volume and complexity of our data means the approaches that have been so effective in delivering intelligence to other sectors are not adequate. Today, data is both the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity investors face on their paths to achieving true portfolio intelligence.
Idiosyncratic constraints, valuation lags, and market stress add complexity for multi-asset portfolios. Resilient portfolios are built with multiple liquidity levers, and operated by sophisticated investment teams who utilize all available data when making portfolio decisions.
The fiduciary pressure is extraordinary. Layer on lofty equity valuations, rates at historical extremes, longstanding economic relationships under question, and an ever-expanding universe of asset classes and investment vehicles. Institutional investing teams can be hard-pressed to keep up with the technological, data, operating and investing requirements.
Client Assets Under Management
& Assets Under Advisement
Worldwide (North America, Europe, Asia, Africa)
Experience Serving Institutional Investors
Our team of world-class client management analysts will introduce you to our product, tailoring the conversation to your specific needs and interests.