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Novus Editorial

Portfolio Intelligence Manifesto

In a world where accessing information has never been easier, intelligence is rapidly becoming a nebulous concept. It may be hard to define, but certainly we know it when we see it—or do we?

Data is the lifeblood of our industry, offering countless avenues for analysis. However, the volume and complexity of our data means the approaches that have been so effective in delivering intelligence to other sectors are not adequate. Today, data is both the biggest challenge and the biggest opportunity investors face on their paths to achieving true portfolio intelligence.

In this ebook, you'll find:

  • Real-world examples of how asset owners and managers are achieving portfolio intelligence today
  • Our dictionary submission for the term "Portfolio Intelligence"
  • How to know if you're in over your head when it comes to portfolio data management
  • A cost-benefit analysis of DIY portfolio management systems vs. cloud-based solutions